I know what you are thinking. This is another example of someone from the older generation saying, "These kids today just aren't responsible, respectful, resourceful..." This may be true, but I had two recent experiences that gave credence to this gentleman's opinion. 1) I had a 17- year- old stay with us for a week this summer with his family. I asked him what he did for fun this summer and he said, "Watch TV, play video games and chat with people on facebook." I noted that all of this is done in his house and he said, "Well, there isn't much to do in Winston-Salem, North Carolina." Hmmm.
2) Last week I was speaking to about 50 students at Northwest High School in Cincinnati, Ohio (shout out to those awesome students for making it such a life-changing experience). I sat next to a sophomore and a junior at lunch. One said to the other, "By the time August came around, I was so bored that I was looking forward to coming back to school." The other student responded, "I know. I can only watch so much TV in a given day." Wow!
Your Turn
Do you think that this generation is more bored than previous generations? Why or why not?
What did you do for fun this summer? Were you bored? Were you active?
Does social media actually help teenagers do more activities together?
Do you feel that it is the role of the community, government or your parents to provide "things" for you to do? Or is it your responsibility to find things to do?